Aabiziingwashi (Wide Awake): National Film Board Indigenous Cinema Tour

I'm so thrilled to have the honour of speaking at the Arts and Culture Centre on June 28 as part of Aabiziingwashi (Wide Awake): National Film Board Indigenous Cinema Tour, before the screening of The Road Forward. Please join me for this free event! You can learn more here

The Road Forward, a musical documentary by Marie Clements, connects a pivotal moment in Canada’s civil rights history—the beginnings of Indian Nationalism in the 1930s—with the powerful momentum of First Nations activism today. The Road Forward’s stunningly shot musical sequences, performed by an ensemble of some of Canada’s finest vocalists and musicians, seamlessly connect past and present with soaring vocals, blues, rock, and traditional beats. A rousing tribute to the fighters for First Nations rights, a soul-resounding historical experience, and a visceral call to action.

thursday june 28  //  7:30PM
st. john's arts and culture centre  // 
all ages // 


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