workshop Kate Lahey workshop Kate Lahey

Eastern Edge Presents Kate Lahey's Safer Spaces + Self-Care Workshop

Eastern Edge Presents Kate Lahey's Safer Spaces + Self-Care Workshop at Identify Arts Festival

This workshop considers how vulnerability, care and respect are braided through our practices of making and creating. Through talking and sharing, this gathering encourages participants to consider how we care for ourselves and others in a good way.

Free! Students and Community Welcome!
* Warm beverages and snacks will be provided *


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workshop Kate Lahey workshop Kate Lahey

Workshop at Nova Yoga

If I’m lucky enough, around once a year I get to host a public workshop at Nova Yoga. I spend so much of my year working privately with arts organizations, working away on my PhD and playing music. Last year, I offered this same workshop in Nova Yoga’s gentle studio space. We lay on yoga mats in a warm room, I spoke and read, we wrote and shared. More of a sleepy lecture than a workshop. I’m so excited to be back in this space, offering the same sleepy talk. I hope you’ll come join me to share space, rest, listen and consider how burnout effects your life, how boundaries might be a source of healing, and how to love ourselves in a world that often makes us feel unworthy.

The intention of this workshop is to open a soft sensory space to gently explore. Participants will be seated or lying on yoga mats for the duration of the workshop – please wear + bring whatever supports will facilitate your comfort (such as a meditation cushion, a pillow, your favourite blanket, a cozy sweater). I recommend a water bottle or a cup of tea, a journal and comfy clothes. Bolsters, mats and blankets will be available. 

sunday december 2  //  2:30PM-4:00PM
nova yoga  //  125 long's hill, st. john's

$20 +hst // register here 

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workshop Kate Lahey workshop Kate Lahey

Found Sound Workshop in English Harbour

During my residency at the English Harbour Arts Centre in July 2018, I will be undertaking an experimental project collecting an archive of local sounds and personal recordings. It's an honour for me to be spending time listening and singing with my father's ancestors on the Bonavista Peninsula. 

I will be offering a Found Sound Workshop during my residency. Exploring sounds in and around the English Harbour Arts Centre, we will find, make and record sounds together. This could be birds, waves, footsteps, creaking or conversation, it's up to us! This afternoon will also include an opportunity to sit, talk and share stories and experiences about what sound means to you - maybe that's a story about a song that is important to you, a noise that characterizes your community, the sounds that remind you of someone, somewhere or something. All are welcome to come and try something new and to share your stories of what sounds are meaningful to you. 

sunday july 8  //  2:30PM-4:00PM
english harbour arts centre  // 
all ages // no registration required  

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workshop Kate Lahey workshop Kate Lahey


A multidisciplinary workshop that turns towards repetitions, returns, renewals + remembering. What do we continually leave behind? What do we return to? Breathing in + breathing out, together we will write, read, drink tea + listen to sounds + words that gesture towards memory, imagination, breath, dreams and feelings that seem to repeat in our lives individually and collectively. The intention of this workshop is to open a soft sensory space to gently explore our lives deeper, to notice movement, and to explore the subtle shifts + returns that revolve. 

Participants will be seated or lying on yoga mats for the duration of the workshop – please wear + bring whatever supports will facilitate your comfort (such as a meditation cushion, a pillow, your favourite blanket, a cozy sweater). Bolsters, mats and blankets will be available. 

sunday february 18  //  4:30PM-6:30PM
nova yoga  //  125 long's hill, st. john's

$35 +hst // please pre-register here 

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